Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Whether you want to be happy ,calm down or get sharper...

There is a mind blowing routine for you...

  • TRY YOGA                                                                                 

Yoga practice is associated with increased level of GABA, an amino acid and neurotransmitter that may help reduce anxiety.

Slow and Deep yogic breathing increases oxygen flow, which lead to optimal functioning of all your organs - including your heart and brain. According to Anita Herur ,an Indian Assistant Professor of Physiology looked at the physical effects of yoga on new practitioners and linked the practice to improve and boost the overall mood. In the researches it is found that the parasympathetic nervous system-(the part of the nervous system which promotes the relaxation)-kicked into higher gear in around 3 months after starting yoga.   

If you are a beginner in yoga , you have to first learn correct breathing.According to Experts "Breath in through your nose to the count of five, then hold for two counts and then exhale through your nose to the count of five, emptying your lungs completely ". repeat five times. So now you are ready to merge your breathing with some movements .

Try to do it everyday as much as you can, but at least give 10 minutes daily...because the golden rule of remaining fit is CONSISTENCY.....

  •  START JOGGING                                                                    

The next way to boost your mood and make yourself fit is JOGGING...

For me it is the best way you can feel more happier and energetic. According to the Experts running and taking a short nap after that is the best way to fresh your mood .Jogging is an appealing exercise because it doesn't cost a lot to take part and you can run at any time that suits you . Many runners take part in fun runs, athletics run and marathons. If you are also interested in competing with other runners, contact your local running club...

Regular running and Jogging offers many health benefits like:-

  • strengthen muscles
  • improve cardiovascular fitness
  • burn plenty of kilojoules
  • help maintain a healthy weight
  • help to build strong bones, as it is a weight bearing exercise.

  • TRY CYCLING                                                                         

According to a research after a single 30 min session of stationary cycling, it is found that the subjects experienced a boost in their energy levels."Cycling seemed to activate brain neural circuits that make a person feel energized".According to Kate F.Hays, PhD, a clinical and sport psychologist in Toronto-"We tend to think of physical activity as being tiring, but in fact physical activity adds energy to our lives".

Try cycling at light to moderate pace on a stationary bike for 15 min thrice a week ...

Don't limit your workouts to the gym,because research shows that any kind of indoor activity can't boost your energy as much as an single outdoor activity can...

  • TRY WEIGHTS                                                                         

Lifting weight or dumbbells is obviously great for toning your triceps, but do you know it does the same with your mental muscle. According to a study done in 2010, older adults who did simple, low-intensity weight training exercise three to five times a week for a month performed significantly better on cognitive tests than the people who don't do weight training. In this study it is observed that the weight training group improved in many functions, which includes the ability to plan, multitask and regulate behavior.

It helps you increase your ability to focus, makes you attentive and even helps in making right choice in challenging brain tests...

  • SLEEP WELL                                                                            

People who report sleep problems are sometimes having a hard time relaxing, since good sleep is difficult to achieve when you are stressed. So here is the answer for you all, in a research of North Carolina it is found that practicing PILATES helps in better snoozing. Pilates is a system of core strengthening exercises done on a mat using special apparatus. A person who did pilates on a mat thrice a week for at least 50 minutes, for 15 weeks is less likely to experience troubled sleep.

Simply speaking "when you are more in tune with yourself, you are better able to let go of-stress and feel relaxed"...


Mastering Time Management in Today's Fast-Paced World🌍☀️

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